info.bix.tokai.bixpp.Link の使用

info.bix.tokai.bixpp での Link の使用

Link を返す info.bix.tokai.bixpp のメソッド
 Link Sound.getLink()
          Returns the value of field 'link'.
 Link Producer.getLink()
          Returns the value of field 'link'.
 Link Plant.getLink()
          Returns the value of field 'link'.
 Link Image.getLink()
          Returns the value of field 'link'.
 Link Farm.getLink()
          Returns the value of field 'link'.
 Link Cultivation.getLink()
          Returns the value of field 'link'.

Link 型のパラメータを持つ info.bix.tokai.bixpp のメソッド
 void Sound.setLink(Link link)
          Sets the value of field 'link'.
 void Producer.setLink(Link link)
          Sets the value of field 'link'.
 void Plant.setLink(Link link)
          Sets the value of field 'link'.
 void Image.setLink(Link link)
          Sets the value of field 'link'.
 void Farm.setLink(Link link)
          Sets the value of field 'link'.
 void Cultivation.setLink(Link link)
          Sets the value of field 'link'.